Facts About “Indiana Jones” You Probably Didn’t Know

Published on February 12, 2018

Spielberg the Joker

Hey, what’s a movie set without some fun? During their time shooting Temple of Doom, Spielberg decided to prank Harrison Ford. Ford was tied up just before he was supposed to be whipped by the Thuggee strongmen when Barbra Streisand came out cracking the whip. Jokingly, she told Ford, “That’s for Hanover Street– the worst movie I ever saw!” As if that wasn’t enough, Carrie Fisher jumped in front to shield Ford. Meanwhile, Irvin Kershner took a jab at Spielberg, asking, “Is this how you run your movies?” Sounds like quite the set to work at!

Spielberg The Joker

Spielberg The Joker

Bond Inspired

Ever wonder where the idea arose for this amazing series? Actually, Spielberg was reflecting on his desire to direct a James Bond movie with George Lucas. Then, Lucas had the brilliant idea of combining that international agent archetype with that feel from 1930s and 40s Saturday afternoon movies. Of course, Spielberg still couldn’t shake Bond from his head during the first two Indiana movies.

Bond Inspired

Bond Inspired