Natural Remedies to Soothe Your Child’s Cough

Published on June 11, 2023

Coughing is a common ailment among children, often caused by respiratory infections, allergies, or environmental irritants. While coughing is the body’s way of clearing the airways, it can be distressing for both children and parents. Fortunately, several natural remedies can help alleviate a child’s cough and provide relief. In this article, we’ll explore six effective natural remedies to ease your child’s cough and promote their well-being. When your child is suffering from a cough, natural remedies can provide relief without resorting to medication. Honey, warm fluids, steam therapy, saline nasal drops, elevating the head, and using a humidifier are all effective ways to ease a child’s cough naturally. However, it’s important to consult with your child’s healthcare provider if the cough persists, worsens, or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms. By combining these natural remedies with plenty of rest and maintaining good hygiene practices, you can help your child find relief and support their recovery in a gentle and nurturing manner.




Honey is a time-honored remedy for soothing coughs. For children over one year old, a teaspoon of honey can be given alone or mixed with warm water or herbal tea. Its natural soothing properties help ease throat irritation and reduce coughing. Remember to avoid giving honey to children under one year old due to the risk of infant botulism.

Warm Fluids

Encouraging your child to drink warm fluids, such as herbal teas or warm water with lemon and honey, can provide relief. Warm fluids help soothe the throat, thin mucus, and promote hydration, which aids in cough relief. Make sure the fluids are not too hot and offer them in small, frequent sips.

Warm Fluids

Warm Fluids

Steam Therapy

Steam therapy can help relieve congestion and ease coughing. Create a steamy environment in your bathroom by running a hot shower or filling the tub with hot water. Sit with your child in the bathroom for a few minutes, allowing them to breathe in the warm, moist air. This can help loosen mucus and alleviate cough symptoms.

Steam Therapy

Steam Therapy

Saline Nasal Drops

If your child’s cough is accompanied by nasal congestion, saline nasal drops can be beneficial. These drops help moisturize the nasal passages and loosen mucus, making it easier for your child to breathe and reducing coughing. Use a saline nasal spray or drops specifically designed for children and follow the instructions for proper administration.

Saline Nasal Drops

Saline Nasal Drops

Elevate the Head

Raising your child’s head while they sleep can alleviate coughing at night. Use extra pillows or elevate the head of their bed slightly. This position helps prevent postnasal drip and reduces coughing episodes during sleep.

Elevate The Head

Elevate The Head


Using a humidifier in your child’s bedroom can help alleviate cough symptoms, especially if the cough is triggered by dry air. A humidifier adds moisture to the air, reducing throat irritation and promoting comfortable breathing. Ensure proper cleaning of the humidifier to prevent the growth of bacteria or mold.

