15 of the Best DIY Chore Charts for Kids

Published on June 4, 2017

Coupon Chore Chart

Turn chores into a game by writing them down onto cards and printing them out. Shuffle the chore cards together and deal them out. Doing it like this makes the chore dealing seem fair and it also creates a sense of anticipation. You can also avoid giving all of the ‘bad chores’ to the same kid every time this way. Your children can also have fun trading chores with their cards, too. Hard work is one of the best sleep medicines out there, isn’t it?

Coupon Chore Chart

Coupon Chore Chart

Chore Folders

Eschew the entire concept of a chore chart and opt instead for posted chore folders. You can place the chores that need to be done in the folder of the child you want to assign them to. They get to feel like they have their own ‘work station’ and you get to delegate without dealing with any of the histrionics. You can also delegate how much each kid makes in allowance for accomplishing their work!

Chore Folders

Chore Folders