Europeans Share Which “American Problems” They Don’t Understand

Published on May 19, 2020

No Safety Nets

In the U.S., if you get fired from your job, that often means immediately being out of an income and health insurance as well. This is not how things work in many European countries, where people who are fired from their jobs are frequently entitled to 3 months salary in order to provide a safety net until they can secure a new job.

No Safety Nets

No Safety Nets

Social Lubricant

In the U.S., small talk is very common and is often expected of you. This is not the case in Europe, which means a lot of non-American visitors feel that they must become a more extroverted version of themselves when they are in the United States. Europeans are often confused when Americans ask them how they are, when in fact, they don’t really care and are expecting the typical “fine, how are you?” response.

Social Lubricant

Social Lubricant