Europeans Share Which “American Problems” They Don’t Understand

Published on May 19, 2020

Tipping Culture

Many Europeans are taken aback by the tipping culture than is the norm in the United States. You are expected to tip restaurant servers a minimum of 15% of the bill, at least a dollar to bartenders, and all service workers like taxi drivers and bell boys. This is not the case in Europe at all, and many find this very surprising.

Tipping Culture

Tipping Culture

An Italian Weighs In

An American Reddit user shared her Italian friend’s opinion on American food: it’s way too sugary and sweet. Additionally, she was confused about why so many Americans seem to be what she calls “obsessed” with their heritage. It is very true that a lot of Americans strongly identify with their cultural roots.

Various Types Of Sugar, Brown Sugar And White

Various Types Of Sugar, Brown Sugar And White