After Raising Baby with a Strict Diet, Mom’s Results Might Surprise You

Published on December 17, 2021

Shannon Cooper is a wellness and health coach in Australia, and she’s known for her blog titled “My Food Religion.” Once she became a mother in 2014 for the first time, she got tons of advice from people on raising her newborn. However, one thing Cooper knew from the beginning was the diet she wanted her child to have – it didn’t include carbs or sugar!

Overall, Cooper’s decision was highly controversial, and many people claimed it was wrong. Even medical expert standards include a few carbs and sugar for balance. However, Cooper observed something about her daughter the last few years, which proves the cynics and experts wrong.

You Know What People Say

Shannon Cooper loved to learn how bodies naturally respond to what happens. She spent years studying diets and believes that food is fuel for the soul, but it can also be poison. That’s something she’s carried her whole life and led to the decision she made for her daughter.

You Know What People Say

You Know What People Say

You Are What That Eats

Most people know the saying, “you are what you eat,” but they may not realize that they’re also what that ate, too. Whatever animals eat affects the human body that consumes it. That’s what Shannon believed.

You Are What That Eats

You Are What That Eats