After Raising Baby with a Strict Diet, Mom’s Results Might Surprise You

Published on December 17, 2021

Nothing Weird

Cooper knew what Dr. Stanton might say because it’s a popular opinion. However, she knows that Grace likes the food and says there’s nothing weird about it. Normal people eat it, but maybe they don’t consume enough of it! Though she doesn’t feed her bread or cereal, she doesn’t stop her from doing it. It’s just not in the house!

Nothing Weird

Nothing Weird

Paleo Stays or Goes

In August 2018, Grace started kindergarten. For someone who’s been on the Paleo diet since birth, she’s thriving. As Grace begins school, her introduction to non-Paleo foods draws near. That leaves many people to wonder if she continues with her mom’s diet or ventures into other choices.

Paleo Stays Or Goes

Paleo Stays Or Goes