Are These Colleges Worth The Tuition? Looking At The Long Term ROIs

Published on August 21, 2023

Brewton-Parker College

Encompassing Mount Vernon, Georgia, Brewton-Parker College accommodates a modest student body of 1,120, nearly half of Mount Vernon’s populace. Despite the $113,000 price tag for a four-year degree, the institution grapples with a concerning 20-year ROI of -$92,200, coupled with a paltry graduation rate of 17%, raising doubts about the merits of the investment.

Brewton Parker College

Brewton Parker College

University of South Carolina Aiken

A fragment of the larger University of South Carolina system, the University of South Carolina in Aiken stands out as the swiftest-growing among its peers. While in-state students reap the benefits of a promising deal, out-of-state individuals bear a substantial $130,000 cost, exacerbated by a 20-year ROI sinking to -$66,000, thereby necessitating prudent consideration.

University Of South Carolina Aiken

University Of South Carolina Aiken