Are These Colleges Worth The Tuition? Looking At The Long Term ROIs

Published on August 21, 2023

Claflin University

Claflin University in Orangeburg, South Carolina, traces its roots back to 1884, awarding diplomas to pioneering black women, Alice Moorer and Annie Thortne. Nonetheless, with an average cost of $128,000 for a four-year degree and an ROI of -$133,900, it encounters room for enhancement in contemporary times.

Claflin University

Claflin University

Benedict College

Founded in 1870 in Columbia, South Carolina, Benedict College initially functioned as a teacher’s college. Currently enrolling around 2,000 students, the institution demands $124,000 for a four-year degree. However, a stark graduation rate of 22% and a 20-year ROI of -$76,800 necessitate prudent consideration.

Benedict College

Benedict College