These Hilarious Kids’ Drawings Give Away A Little Bit Too Much About Their Parents

Published on March 13, 2023

What Each Parent Gives

When Evan was tasked with drawing his parents are representing what each parent gives, he knew exactly what he was going to draw. He drew his mom with a bubble that reads “love,” which is very sweet. He then drew his dad with perhaps an air bubble near the lower half of his body that read “gas,” and well, there’s no explanation needed there.

What Each Parent Gives

What Each Parent Gives

Unclear What Happened

Sometimes, kids get their emotions out by acting out, and other times, they let their feelings out through drawings. It’s not clear what happened to this child in order to prompt this kind of reaction, but it was bad enough that he drew his mom as “evil mom” who declares “I don’t like people” and is surrounded by an evil snake as well.

Unclear What Happened

Unclear What Happened