Hollywood Producers Absolutely Missed The Mark With These Casting Choices

Published on September 8, 2022

The amount of money that goes into making a Hollywood movie is no simple matter. That’s why every decision and detail matters when it comes to bringing a story to the big screen. Sometimes, everything can seem right until the audience goes to the theater and has a totally bad reaction to casting choices that were made. Sometimes, one actor can ruin a film completely for a movie goer. Here are some cases where these controversial and sometimes questionable choices were made.

Jared Leto As The Joker  – Suicide Squad

One of the most controversial movies that came out of the DCEU is David Ayer’s Suicide  Squad. The reason why this movie garnered so much negative attention is because Jared Leto, who played the Joker, decided to prepare for the role using method acting, which involves an actor going all in and embodying the character even when the cameras are not rolling. That means that fellow actors and crew members had to endure a lot of questionable behavior from him. Worst of all, many said his performance was not even good, so the behavior could not be justified at all.

Jared Leto As The Joker  Suicide Squad

Jared Leto As The Joker  Suicide Squad

Scarlett Johansson as Major – Ghost In The Shell

The main reason why casting Scarlett Johansson as Major in the film Ghost In The Shell is because many felt that this was whitewashing the character. People didn’t understand why Johansson was chosen for the role of an Asian character, and the fact that the film bombed reflected how much being were disappointed with this choice.

Scarlett Johansson As Major Ghost In The Shell

Scarlett Johansson As Major Ghost In The Shell