Saudi Arabia’s Royal Family Is Shaking Things Up In The Middle East

Published on June 26, 2018

Ranking In The World

Guess who the 8th most powerful person was in the year 2013? You got it…Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah. This award wasn’t given by any regular person either, it was determined by none other than Forbes magazine. The esteemed mag is quoted saying, “King Abdullah holds the keys to Islam’s two holiest sites, and the world’s second largest oil deposit of some 265 billion barrels, amounting to about 18% of global reserves”. Saudi Arabia holds a spot in the 20 richest countries worldwide, its $727 billion market value putting it there.

Ranking In The World

Ranking In The World

Making History

History was made when the first woman was appointed to Saudi Arabia government’s inner circle, the Majlis al-shura. Nour Al-Fayez was appointed as Deputy Minister for Women’s Education in 2009 by King Abdullah…Incredible!


Making History

Making History