These Are The World’s Smartest Dog Breeds According To A Canine Psychologist

Published on April 24, 2019

44. Norwegian Elkhound

Norwegian Elkhounds are beautiful, intelligent, and quite headstrong! They boast a gorgeous thick coat of fur and quite the regal stance. However, along with the regal look comes the royal attitude: sometimes they can be a bit stubborn! However, they make up for this by being courageous and bold dogs.

Norwegian Elkhound

Norwegian Elkhound

43. Irish Setter

The Irish Setter breed has many different and wonderful qualities that make it a great breed. Irish Setters have playful and fun personalities and are known for having fun-loving behavior. They are also quite talented with obedience training, making these smart dogs a pleasure to train. Irish Setters love being outdoors and enjoy playing.

Irish Setter

Irish Setter