These Are The World’s Smartest Dog Breeds According To A Canine Psychologist

Published on April 24, 2019

40. Gordon Setter

Gordon Setters are beloved for their loving and cuddly nature. Gordon Setters do require quite a bit of mental and physical stimulation in order to expel their energy. If not, they tend to become a bit destructive if they become bored. They have excellent memory and boast an above-average intelligence, with the ability to answer a first command about 70% of the time.

Gordon Setter

Gordon Setter

39. Australian Terrier

Australian Terriers may be small, but they certainly pack a punch of energy! Their small stature does not make them any less energetic and lively. Australian Terriers have a higher than average level of obedience and working intelligence, which may surprise some who underestimate the small pups.

Australian Terrier

Australian Terrier