These Are The World’s Smartest Dog Breeds According To A Canine Psychologist

Published on April 24, 2019

36. Samoyed

The Samoyed is not only a gorgeous breed that boasts a thick and luxurious white coat, but is also a highly playful and lively breed. These dogs are not only highly energetic, they can sometimes be a bit headstrong and even stubborn. However, despite this independent tendency, they are still intelligent and will learn new commands after 15-25 repetitions.



35. Manchester Terrier

Of the many Terrier dog breed varieties, the Manchester Terriers are known for having great personalities as family dogs. This breed is very loving, happy, and very fun to have around. Manchester Terrier are very smart, which can make them a little headstrong at times, and can get a bit challenging while training them.

Manchester Terrier

Manchester Terrier