These Trees Will Cause Issues If Planted In The Backyard

Published on July 5, 2023

Siberian Elm Tree

The Siberian elm tree grows up to 70 feet tall and is very drought resistant. Since it is also cold resistant, this elm can quickly overtake areas especially in the Midwest and Great Plains, killing any native vegetation in its wake. Additionally, the tree’s seeds disperse in the wind, making it hard to control how much they spread.

Siberian Elm Tree

Siberian Elm Tree

Tallow Tree

The Tallow Tree spreads quickly and aggressively, outcompeting native vegetation and disrupting natural habitats. Its dense growth shades out other plants, hindering their growth and reducing biodiversity. Furthermore, it produces large quantities of seeds that are easily dispersed by wind, water, or animals, facilitating its spread over large areas. These seeds have a high germination rate and can quickly establish new colonies, displacing native species and altering the ecological balance. Additionally, the Tallow Tree is known to release toxins into the soil, hindering the growth of other plants and further degrading the surrounding environment.

Tallow Tree

Tallow Tree