Europeans Share Which “American Problems” They Don’t Understand

Published on May 19, 2020

With Liberty and Justice for All

Ah, the great debate about the voting system in the United States. Many people do not understand the electoral college and “why,” as this Reddit user pointed out, “doesn’t the guy with the most votes just win the election?” Well, that’s the system that was decided by the Founding Fathers, so that’s what exists.

With Liberty And Justice For All

With Liberty And Justice For All

Money That Is All The Same Color

Something many Americans might not realize is that many other countries purposely have different colors and sizes bills of currency in order to differentiate their different worths, especially for those who are visually impaired. Meanwhile, all U.S. dollar bills are the same exact size, shape, and color.

Money That Is All The Same Color

Money That Is All The Same Color