Europeans Share Which “American Problems” They Don’t Understand

Published on May 19, 2020

Lots Of Ice

When you order a drink in the U.S., be it a soft drink or an alcoholic beverage, you can guarantee that it will come in a very large glass that is filled almost to the top with ice. In other countries, especially Europe, many times drinks will be served with very little ice or even none at all. Many Americans are surprised to find out that this is the norm outside the U.S.

Lots Of Ice

Lots Of Ice

Multi-Purpose Pharmacies

To Americans, heading into a CVS pharmacy does not necessarily mean purchasing medical supplies. This is because pharmacies in the U.S. sell a wide variety of goods, and are really more like convenience stores that also sell medicines. In other countries, pharmacies only sell medical merchandise and perhaps self-care items, but you won’t find any junk food in the same establishment.

Multi Purpose Pharmacies

Multi Purpose Pharmacies